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ApacheCon Asia - API&微服务 Microservice

API / 微服务

出品人 : 温铭

API 是服务连接的基石,通过 API 我们可以将各种服务进行搭建,并提供给用户使用;随着应用的复杂度越来越高,单体应用逐渐被拆分为微服务,产品可以快速迭代的同时也带来安全、维护和可观测性方面的技术挑战。

在 ASF 中有多个项目是和 API、微服务相关的,比如Apache ServiceCombApache APISIXApache Dubbo等。

在这个专题中,大家不仅可以了解前沿技术和展望,也会学习到这些 Apache 项目的最佳实践。


13:30 GMT+8如何将Apache APISIX扩展为一个服务网格的边车中文演讲Chao Zhang

14:10 GMT+8APISIX的演变中文演讲Zexuan Luo

14:50 GMT+8基于Apache APISIX的Kubernetes Ingress的实现中文演讲Wei Jin

15:30 GMT+8APISIX在移动云对象存储EOS的应用与实践中文演讲陈焱山



API is the base of service connectivity. Through API, we can build various services and provide them to users. With the increasing complexity of applications, monolith is gradually split into microservices, and products can be iterated quickly at the same time, it also brings technical challenges in terms of safety, maintenance and observability.

There are many projects in ASF that are related to APIs and microservices, such asApache ServiceComb,Apache APISIX,Apache Dubboetc.

In this topic, you can not only learn about cutting-edge technologies and prospects, but also learn the best practices of these Apache projects.


13:30 GMT+8How to extend Apache APISIX into a Service Mesh sidecarChinese SessionChao Zhang

14:10 GMT+8The evolution of APISIXChinese SessionZexuan Luo

14:50 GMT+8Implementation of Kubernetes Ingress based on Apache APISIXChinese SessionWei Jin

15:30 GMT+8APISIX Application and Practice in Mobile Cloud Object Storage EOSChinese Session陈焱山