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ApacheCon Asia - 孵化器 Incubator


出品人 : 潘娟

Apache 孵化器为所有想进入Apache基金会的项目提供相关帮助和服务。 本会场将分享有关孵化器的相关经验和指导,包括Apache基金会治理和运作的风格、项目如何进去Apache孵化器,并顺利晋升成为Apache顶级项目等。此外,您也将学习并了解到如何建设成熟&活跃&多元化的开源社区、如何使项目发展更加符合Apache基金会的法律法规、Apache way等内容。


13:30 GMT+8Teaclave: 安全并易用的隐私计算平台中文演讲Mingshen Sun

14:10 GMT+8Apache APISIX的孵化器之旅中文演讲Ming Wen

14:50 GMT+8Apache DolphinScheduler: 如何通过Apache 孵化之旅成长为一个健康和可持续发展的社区中文演讲Gang Li

15:30 GMT+8Apache MXNet 2.0: 实现标准化的协同ML和DL英文演讲Sheng Zha

16:10 GMT+8EventMesh:事件驱动分布式应用运行时中文演讲Eason Chen



The Apache Incubator provides services to projects (called “podlings”) that want to enter the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). This track will share the experience and pointers about the incubator journey, which will help you learn more about the Apache style of governance and operation, how projects enter incubator and graduate to become a TLP. Besides, it is introduced that more knowledge on how to build an active and diverse open source community, and how to be aligned with Apache regulations.


13:30 GMT+8Teaclave: a secure and easy-to-use privacy computing platformChinese SessionMingshen Sun

14:10 GMT+8The incubator journey of Apache APISIXChinese SessionMing Wen

14:50 GMT+8Apache DolphinScheduler:How to grows to be a healthy and sustainable community in the incubatorChinese SessionGang Li

15:30 GMT+8Apache MXNet 2.0: Towards Synergistic ML and DL with StandardizationEnglish SessionSheng Zha

16:10 GMT+8EventMesh: Event-Driven Distributed Application RuntimeChinese SessionEason Chen